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The Club is to be known as the “Faversham Rugby Union Football Club”.

The aim of the Club is to play Rugby Football and promote the game in Faversham.  

It is to be affiliated to the R.F.U. and the K.C.R.F.U.                                                                            

4.    The ground is to be at the Recreation Ground, Faversham, and the Clubhouse is to be: The Lodge, Recreation Ground, Whitstable Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 8HA.


Club colours shall be sky blue and white quartered shirts, with an alternative kit being made up of sky and navy blue quarters. The kit also will include sky blue and white socks, with navy Blue shorts.

An annual general meeting will be held each year in May.

7.     At the annual general meeting such officers and committee members as are felt necessary by the General Committee for the operation of the Club during the forthcoming year will be elected.                                                


8.     At the AGM and all other Committee or sub-Committee meetings, voting will be on the basis of a show of hands and a simple majority. The Chairman will have a casting vote in addition to a normal vote in all cases. Should there be an election where more than one person has been nominated, then that vote will be taken in writing and where possible scrutinised by two persons without voting rights.


9.     Any reference to “he” in the constitution may refer to persons of either sex.


10.  The Officers of the Club will be the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Such other appointments may be made as the General Committee thinks necessary to suit the circumstances at the time of the Annual General Meeting. These appointments may include a President, Vice Chairman, Fixture Secretary/Referees Liaison Officer, Chairman of Selectors, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Club Coach, Social/Bar Chairman. They will also include the Captains and Vice Captains of as many teams as are necessary.


11.  Committees of the Club.

There must be: 

a) General Committee

b) Selection Committee

c) Disciplinary Committee

d) Appeals Committee



The General Committee will consist of:-

a) Chairman

b) Secretary

c) Treasurer


Such other members as the General Committee specifies for election at the Annual General Meeting.


The Selection Committee will consist of:-

a) Director of Rugby

b) Club coaches

c) Team captains and vice captains


14.  Any other Committees as may be created by the General Committee in the furtherance of the organisation of the Club. The Chairman and members of these Committees shall be appointed by the General Committee as necessary. The Chairman must be a member of the General Committee. The Club Chairman, Vice Chairman (if appointed), Secretary and Treasurer are ex-officio members of all Committees other than the Selection Committee, Appeals Committee and Disciplinary Committee.


15.  Duties of Committees


The General Committee will make decisions regarding the general operation of the Club in accordance with the Constitution. The Committee may make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting for the amendment of the Constitution but may not amend the Constitution in its own right, unless required to do so by law. The Committee will meet as regularly as is felt necessary but on no less than three times in each financial year. A quorum for the Committee will be six.


The Selection Committee


The Selection Committee will meet weekly to consider the selection of teams for forthcoming matches. Membership of the Committee should include both players and non-players.


17.  Disciplinary Committee.


In the event of a player’s dismissal he will be automatically suspended from playing for a minimum period of four weeks from the date of the offence. This suspension will be separate from any suspension imposed by K.C.R.U.F.C. but will form part of that suspension.


In the event a member breaks Faversham Rugby Union Football Club’s code of conduct, he will be asked to attend a disciplinary hearing, where he will be able to defend himself. The disciplinary panel will consist of three specified committee members named in the clubs disciplinary procedure. This must include no fewer than one, and no more than two, executive committee members. The member will be able to bring two people with them to aid their defence. One of these members must be either the Club Captain or their teams captain.


The Appeals Committee

There will also be an Appeals Committee which will be made up of those members of the General Committee who are not on the Disciplinary Committee. This will exclude any members who were supporting the member in their defence against the Disciplinary Committee. The Appeals Committee will consist of three specified committee members named in the clubs disciplinary procedure. This must include no fewer than one, and no more than two, executive committee members. 


19.  Membership of the Club.


There will be four categories of membership, namely:


a) Life Members – an honour given to persons giving distinguished service to the Club.  

    Any new Life Members are elected at Annual General Meetings, after proposal and   

    seconding by two members. Life Members are exempt from membership fees.


b) Vice Presidents – an honour given to members of the public for whom recognition

    of their position or interest in Rugby is acknowledged. This may be a person or a

    title, e.g. the Mayor of Faversham. Also awarded to retiring General Committee

    Members for outstanding service to the Club. Any new Vice Presidents are elected

    at Annual General Meetings after proposal and seconding by two members. All

    existing Vice Presidents are automatically re-elected en bloc unless Members

    decide at the Annual General Meeting that one or more should not be re-elected.


c) Senior Members – may join the Club at any time subject to their being proposed

    and seconded by two Members (NOT Juniors); approval by the General Committee

    and the terms of paragraph 19e below.  Membership will cease on failure to pay the

    annual subscription by 30th September in any one year. Past Members may be re-

    elected after consideration by the General Committee. The spouse/partner and 

    children (under 18 years of age) of the Senior Member will be included in that 

    membership and be entitled to use the facilities of the Clubhouse, subject to the 

    Rules of the Club. There is an additional cost for playing members, on top of their 

    club membership. This is to be decided each year at the AGM.


d) Student/Junior Members – Membership is individual and does not include any

     other family member. An indemnity will be required from parents/legal guardians

     for all such members up to the age of eighteen years.


20.  Admission to Membership


It is a requirement under Section 62 of the Licensing Act 2003 that within the procedure for admission to membership: persons may not be admitted to membership / to the privileges of membership, without an interval of at least 2 days between application and admission. In addition, the club must maintain 25 members at all times.

        21. Intoxicating Liquor


The supply of intoxicating liquor in the Club premises will be permitted during such hours as shall be laid down from time to time by the General Committee. No intoxicating liquor shall be supplied to members or to any other persons on the Club premises otherwise than by or on behalf of the Club. The General Committee shall have the power to admit persons not being members of the Club or their guests, as visitors to the Clubhouse and to sell them intoxicating liquor on occasions of matches or tournaments, where they are players, officials or supporters of visiting teams, and special functions organised by the General Committee for the benefit of the Club. Such functions shall not take place on more than twelve occasions in any calendar year.


       22. Voting Rights


All Vice Presidents and Senior Members paying the appropriate annual subscription fee each year (September – August) will hold full voting rights for any Annual, Extraordinary and/or Special General Meetings as may be held during that year. Life Members automatically hold full voting rights for any Annual, Extraordinary and/or Special General Meetings.  Junior Members may not hold voting rights in matters concerning the administration and management of the Club, however they will be represented on the General Committee by the Head of the Junior Section (a Full Senior Member) through whom their views may be expressed.


23.  Agenda for Annual General Meeting


1)    Apologies for absence

1a) Approval of Notice convening Meeting

2)    Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

3)    Report of the Chairman

4)    Report of the Secretary

5)    Report of the Treasurer

6)    Adoption of the Accounts

7)    Approval of Subscription and Match Tax for the coming year

8)    Team Captains’ reports

9)    Election of Officers

a)    Chairman

b)    Secretary

c)     Treasurer

d)    General Committee members – 4

e)    Auditor

f)     Such other positions as may be proposed by the General Committee.



The Secretary will notify all Members of the date of the Annual General Meeting, the agenda, the positions for election and any other business proposed by the General Committee, in writing, at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting. Any proposals, duly seconded, for elected positions must be made in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. Only those proposed in this manner will be considered for election. If, however, no proposals have been made to the Secretary before that date, then all proposals may be made from the floor. If no proposals are made from the floor, then the General Committee may appoint such persons as they wish. All persons elected to positions the previous year will be deemed to be proposed by the General Committee for re-election unless they specifically indicate that they do not wish to be re-elected.


10) Any other business – Any items for consideration under this heading which require discussion by the membership must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting and must be signed by at least two voting members. This item refers only to any other business requiring a vote. Members may speak under this item on any matter of information.


Further information regarding the Annual General Meeting


1) Any Life Member, or any fully-paid Full Member will have full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. Any donation by a Vice President will be deemed to include Membership. The Chairman is entitled to one ordinary vote and one casting vote should it be necessary.


2) Should it be impossible to fill the positions of Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer, the Annual General Meeting shall be adjourned for a period of four weeks, when it will be reconvened. If at this meeting it is still not possible to fill the posts, then the Club shall be wound up. Any funds remaining after the payment of all outstanding debts will be paid over to the Kent County Rugby Football Union.


3) A Special General Meeting of the Club may be called at any time. If such a meeting is required then a request must be made in writing to the Secretary, signed by at least six fully paid Members of the Club, stating the purpose of the meeting and any proposals to be made. The Secretary will then call a Special Meeting within twenty-one days of receipt of the request. That business, and only that business, will then be considered by the full membership of the Club.

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